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Tooth Extraction in Cincinnati, OH

A dental extraction is the removal of a tooth/teeth from the socket.

Tooth extraction is a dental procedure that gets completed when one or more teeth need to get removed from the mouth. Most teeth that get extracted are those that get damaged beyond repair. At Blue Ash Dental Group, we offer reliable tooth extraction in Cincinnati, OH.

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 What Are the Reasons That People Have Teeth Extracted?

There are quite a variety of reasons that people commonly get teeth extracted. Some of those include the following:


  • Overcrowding: Overcrowding may require extraction of multiple teeth to allow the rest to grow properly. During orthodontic work, one or more teeth is removed to straighten out the rest and make room for them to move into their appropriate places.
  • Damage and Decay: One of the most common reasons teeth are extracted is they get damaged beyond the point that the dentist can repair the tooth. Often, extraction is required, and an implant, bridge, or another device will be placed where the missing tooth/teeth were.
  • Need Replacing: If a tooth gets chipped or broken to the point that it can’t get repaired, it may have to get extracted. The tooth would then need replacing with either an implant or a dental bridge.
  • Wisdom Teeth: Wisdom teeth generally appear between ages 17 and 24. Not everyone will have the buds that allow them to get wisdom teeth, but some who do may have up to four. One usually grows behind each molar in the back of the mouth. This sometimes becomes crooked, impacting the other teeth and causing pain, swelling, or discomfort, thus needing wisdom tooth removal in Cincinnati.


These are the four (4) main reasons teeth will need extracting. In some cases, more than one of the above will require tooth removal as it is generally the last resort when nothing else can be done to save the tooth.

Types of Tooth Extractions:

There are generally two (2) types of extractions that are common when a tooth needs to get removed. They are as follows:


  • Simple Extraction: Simple extractions are used to remove teeth that are visible within the mouth. This procedure can be done right in your dentist’s office, and you are free to leave as soon as the tooth or teeth is extracted and the bleeding stops. The procedure is usually done with just dental forceps.
  • Surgical Extraction: Surgical extractions are performed when the tooth or teeth are not easily accessible inside the mouth. These extractions can include impacted teeth that have not broken through the gum yet, such as wisdom teeth. Surgical extractions typically use general anesthetic and are done at a specialized clinic, although some dentists can do these procedures in their offices as well.


A large majority of tooth extraction in Cincinnati gets done through simple extractions. But when surgical extractions are necessary, dentists may refer you to a surgical specialist for proper tooth removal.

Pain Management Options:

  • After you have a tooth removed, you may experience discomfort and soreness for a few days up to a week. Most dentists will give you pain medication to help manage the pain. Having the prescription filled and taking the recommended dosage will help reduce your pain in the following days after the procedure.
  • Avoid chewing hard foods near the extraction site to keep food particles from getting into the area where your tooth got pulled. Instead, eat soft foods such as mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese after your procedure. Avoiding hot or spicy foods and alcohol is also advised as these can burn the inflamed area and may react with your pain medications.
  • Begin eating regularly as soon as it is comfortable to do so.
  • Rinse your mouth with a teaspoon of salt dissolved in a cup (8 oz) of water 2-3 times per day to help keep the area around the pulled tooth from getting infected.
  • Resume regular brushing and flossing 24 hours after the procedure. But, be gentle when cleaning around the area where the tooth got extracted.
  • Call your doctor right away if you have any severe bleeding or abnormal pain while recovering.


  • While you are recovering, make sure not to remove the blood clot from the infected area, as this is how the gums heal themselves. If the blood clot falls out, it can expose the bone beneath the gums, causing severe pain and risking infections around the extraction site.
  • If you suspect that you have a dry socket or feel more pain in the area where the tooth was removed, call your dentist immediately so they can help you treat it.
  • Make sure to clean the site around the wound several times daily.

At Blue Ash Dental We…

Here at Blue Ash Dental Group, we strive to provide the best possible care for our patients. We believe that your natural teeth are the best teeth that you can have. However, when the only option is tooth extraction, we are here to help ensure that your procedure and your recovery go as smoothly as we can.

If you think that you might need an emergency tooth extraction in Cincinnati or any other dental treatment, contact us at Blue Ash Dental for further assistance.

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